2024 Vancleave League Team Invitational Brackets

Below are brackets for this weekend’s 2024 Vancleave League Team Tournament.  We have a very strong 27 teams playing this weekend.  I’m excited for their first tournament in Vancleave in a while.  Proceeds will help their girls come play in the other tournaments.  The address to the field is 5500 Ballpark Road, Vancleave, MS.

It’s a one day tournament.  I squeezed the tee ball schedule to get the young players out earlier.  It’s important to teams to exit the field quickly after their game and the next team to be ready to play.  Times are just a guide… your actual game time will be as soon as possible after the previous game.  Tee Ball normally runs ahead of schedule; so I’m hoping to stay on schedule.

A few items to remember:
1.  Please remember we are all out there to be examples for these young people.  There has been an epidemic of coach ejections.  We hope everyone relaxes and enjoys the day.  Our umpires are more than willing to answer questions when the request is made rationally and in a normal tone of voice.  The rules say “No arguing.”  Questioning ball and strikes, safe or or is considered arguing… If it’s a case where another umpire might have a better view of the play, we encourage them to get together to get the call right.  They should get together, make the proper call, then go back to playing ball.

2.  There are absolutely no pickups… I have rosters submitted by the league for every team in this tournaments.  I had to disqualify a team last week for picking up a girl from another team in their league.  It’s something I absolutely hate doing… SO NO PICKUPS… not from within the league, not late signups, none.  If you have a question about who’s on your roster, please contact your league president.  I can tell you rumors are rampant; so it’s highly unlikely you’ll get away with it.  I never wanted to be the roster police and don’t enjoy it.

Looking forward to a nice relaxing day in Vancleave.  It’s supposed to be warm and dry.  It’s the time of year to be sure players start hydrating on Friday.  Please also be mindful of grandparents and older folks that aren’t accustomed to the heat.

Thanks for Playing USA Softball!

2024 Saucier League Team Tournament Brackets

Below are brackets for this weekend’s 2024 Saucier League Team Tournament.  We have an extremely strong 36 teams playing this weekend.  We need some more 16u teams to come out and play… But all the other age groups are very strong.  Unfortunately with so many teams and only 4 fields, it will be a Saturday/Sunday affair.  Coach Pitch and 16u will be only be Saturday.  The address to the park is Saucier Sports Complex, 23715 Saucier Lizana Rd, Saucier, MS 39574.

Coaches should monitor prior games to see if the fields are staying on schedule.  I try to do a very realistic schedule.  But fields can run ahead of schedule.  When that happens, the game will start approximately 10 minutes after the teams leave the fields.  Your game could be bumped up an hour just by having a forfeit.  So stay in touch… watch for schedule changes on the bracket.  Likewise when your game is over, please exit the field as quickly as possible… Team meetings will occur off the field to help keep everything running on time.

It should be a great weekend for softball.  Proceeds from this tournament benefit the Saucier Youth Association and its players.  These tournaments and our support for them really helps them provide opportunities for their kids to play ball.

Thanks for Playing USA Softball!

2024 Hancock League Team Tournament

Below are brackets for the 2024 Hancock League Team Tournament.  We have 16 teams playing this weekend.  I started the brackets at 9AM then the last games start around 5ish. So it should be a good day of softball.  The tournament will be held at the Hancock County Sportplex.  The address is 18324 MS-43, Kiln, MS 39556.  Games will be played on the new fields in the back.

Weather is calling for a chance of afternoon thunderstorms.  Hopefully we’re out of there before any of that comes through.  I’d like to remind everyone that the Zero Tolerance Policy is in effect for all games.  We want to set the example for these young players.

We should recognize the hard work of the parents in the Hancock league.  After the tornado last week, they went to work to make the park even playable.  Hopefully the proceeds will help them provide for the Hancock players as we get into All-Star Season.
Thank you for Playing USA Softball!

2024 Woolmarket League Team Tournament

Below are brackets for this weekend’s tournament.  We have a very strong 38 teams participating in this year’s event.  Tee Ball is down for some odd reason.  So please encourage your leagues/teams to get the 6U teams to come play.  Weather is looking fantastic for the weekend.  Should be a beautiful day to be outside.
The format is straight double elimination.  This is a league team tournament.  It will be played according to our interleague rules; just like during the week.  Except we will use international tie-break procedures for fast pitch games to settle ties at the end of regulation.
The entry fee is a flat $100 per teams.  The gate fees for parents is $10 for adults, ages 6-11 is $7, and kids 6 and under are free.  The address to the fields is Woolmarket Sports Complex, 16520 Switzer Park Rd. Biloxi, MS 39532. Be sure to put “Switzer Park Road” in your GPS… Switzer Road is not close to Switzer Park Road.
Please let me know if you see an errors or have any questions. It’s a big tournament and lots of details. I’m looking forward to a great weekend of softball!
Thank you for Playing USA Softball!